14:00 - 18:00
Endpräsentation: Vertical Studio Bauforschungs:LAB (Eng)
ASL Neubau Foyer
Straße und Hausnummer:
Universitätsplatz 9
PLZ und Stadt:
34127 Kassel
Gebäudename, Etage, Raumnummer:
ASL Neubau Foyer
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Angelique Keil, Arefeh Goodarzi, Ayleen Hümmerich, Fangdan Liu, Fatima Alizadeh, Felix Franke, Hayaa Khan, Huizi Jiang, Jannik Mihm, Mansoureh Khodadad, Phoebe Kleinau, Sebastian Schaaf, Thi Thuy Tien Nguyen, Zeina Alshikh Atiya
Prof. Philipp Eversmann, Hyo Wook Kim, Dongyuan Liu
Hyo Wook Kim
Kontakt Ansprechpartner*in:
We welcome everyone to the final presentation. Each group will have 10 minutes to present, followed by a 20-minute discussion with our jury, which includes Prof. Julian Lienhard from TWE, Alan Eskildsen Michel from StrongbyForm, Andrea Rossi and Prof. Eversmann from EDEK. A short summary of our vertical studio: In the Bauforschung:LAB project, the warehouse at Gottschalkstraße 22 was integrated into the architectural design. New construction technologies and digitalization enable a scientific approach to design and manufacturing, promoting material-efficient and sustainable methods. Students conducted detailed studies of seven research buildings, focusing on spatial layouts and connectivity. They also analyzed 14 wooden structures, creating 2D plans and 3D models to explore timber construction. These prototype buildings were tested using innovative digital design methodologies. Assembly techniques and digital strategies were applied on-site, incorporating reused residual materials from timber construction. New strategies transformed these materials into functional, load-bearing, and aesthetically refined components. The approach aimed to optimize material usage and achieve a harmonious integration of sustainable practices within contemporary architectural design.