Planning tools for cooperation and care. Glossary of planning instruments for a socio-ecological housing turn

Fachgebiet: Bauwirtschaft | Projektentwicklung | ARCHITEKTUR STADT ÖKONOMIE
Dozent*innen: Prof. Dr. Gabu Heindl, M. Sc. Iva Marcetic
The seminar focused on developing a glossary of transformative practices of urban regulation and land policy. It examined existing and historical examples of tools used in urban planning and land policies that aim to thwart speculation and develop available, affordable and inclusive spaces of reproduction in the City. The glossary created is taking a multifaceted look on the terms discussed and onto the themes of affordability and density, “Baumrecht/Baurecht”, the protection of existing on-site common practices and vegetation, reuse, renewal, land value and urban planning.


10:00 - 12:00
Bauwirtschaft | Projektentwicklung | ARCHITEKTUR STADT ÖKONOMIE
Planning tools for cooperation and care
ASL Neubau
Straße und Hausnummer:
Universitätsplatz 9
PLZ und Stadt:
34127 Kassel
Gebäudename, Etage, Raumnummer:
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Radmer van der Aalst, Sarah Altenbrand, Rouven Philipp Hahn, Marten Neustadt, Yasmin Kirsch, Claas Hoyer, Elisa Matthes, Annabelle Oeste, Linda Obst, Melissa Schmidt, Till Wiesehoff, Sina Rätzer, Alexander Burakow
Moritz Böttjer
Prof. Dr. Gabu Heindl, Iva Marčetić
Gabu Heindl, Iva Marčetić
Kontakt Ansprechpartner*in:
The City of Kassel was taken as a case study for mapping the existing levels of spatial (in)justice and to create a Glossary in which to imagine a future where urban planning and land policy tools are used with the aim to develop accessible, affordable and inclusive spaces in the City. In the presentation students will show their collective work in progress and invite all to discuss the role urban planning and architecture are playing in the projective design of a just transition.